Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

In March, the Overtown Youth Center and Honey Shine held a powerful Strategic Planning and Team Building Meeting at the beautiful Miami Yacht Club. This meeting was focused on teamwork, leadership, as well as discussed ways we can successfully serve the community. Our team was energized and renewed with ideas on how to collectively move forward.


Instilling in our team that the overarching success of our organization is contingent upon their teamwork, was the resounding message of the day. The motivational day began with CEO, Tina Brown, welcoming staff and speaking about the important role each staff member plays. The day included team building exercises that were geared at showing our team the power of working together. The Team Building exercises were facilitated by German Dubois. Mr. Dubois did an amazing job at pulling our staff together in an engaging manner, that showed them the importance of working together. With a picturesque scenery, great team building exercises and positive energy, our Strategic Planning and Team Building Meeting was a definite success.


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